Who we are

We are eighteen practitioners, working as affiliates of the Rome Institute, including professional counsellors, trainers, mediators and coaches with extensive experience helping individuals and groups with personal and work-related issues.


We have the skills and experience to put you at ease and work with you to find the solutions you need with care and concern. We specialize in general counselling, personal coaching and trauma healing, as well as workplace mediation, and coaching and training of managers and other leaders for development and performance. We offer various trainings to improve the work and private lives of individuals and the good functioning of work groups.

Collectively, we have decades of global experience in all regions of the world, bringing an informed multi-cultural perspective, and an understanding of individual, group and organizational needs.



Petra Miczaika, Dipl.Psych., CBT

About me

After working in my own psychotherapy practice in Rome for a number of years, I became the first ever Staff Counsellor for the UN World Food Programme (WFP). As an organisation working on the front-lines of emergencies, I built up a unit of Staff Counsellors to cover the psychosocial needs of WFP staff worldwide. In parallel I also set up a global staff support network of 300 WFP staff who worked as peer support volunteers offering emotional support to field staff as a ‘first port of call service’. 


This was an enriching and dynamic time in my career as I effectively became a manager of a worldwide counselling network but at the same time continued to support staff individually and in teams.


As my role took root, I found the need to not only provide counselling was required but that the same set of behavioural skills could be used in the design of training sessions in stress related issues and supervisory skills.  I soon found myself balancing staff-welfare and organisational development skills delivering, together with my colleagues, workshops in many countries to managers and staff. At the same time I formed a UN staff counsellors’ network in a bid to have a collective group of knowledge, shared experience and support for UN staff welfare support-givers.


I retired from WFP in 2011 and since then have been working with individual clients  and as a consultant for UNHCR and WFP, preparing staff psychologically for duty station transfers, helping them work through their field experiences as well as providing training in team dynamics. 


My qualifications

  • Pharmacist
  • Diploma as Psychologist
  • Psychological Psychotherapist (CBT - Bioenergetic Analysis)
  • Mediator 
  • Training as Trauma Counsellor in CISD, EMDR and Brainspotting


How I work

My foremost objective is to honour an individual's personal needs and help empower them to find the right solutions and actions for their well-being and unique path of life. While I accompany clients through their decision making processes, I very much respect their autonomy and offer complete acceptance whatever course they choose to take. 

My training workshops are designed to be inter-active with participants exploring the topics in an experimental way to anchor the learning in their systems. 



Prof. Dr. Angelika Groterath, Dipl.-Psych.

About Me

Angelika Groterath studied psychology, completed a Ph.D. in sociology and trained in psychotherapy with a focus on psychodrama. She is dividing her time between Germany and Rome since 1990 and has been a professor of psychology at Hochschule Darmstadt since 2006. Before, she was working as an international consultant, assessed projects in remote locations as Somaliland, and trained professionals in South America and in Egypt. She has worked on HIV/AIDS and injecting drug use throughout all these years. Her clients were the UN, INGOs and the European Commission. Emergency psychology was her main concern in the Gaza Strip (Médecins Sans Frontières) in 2001 and in Baghdad after the bombing of the UN in 2003 (UN Security Coordinator). Angelika took her first professional steps in 1980. She has published in German, English and Italian.


My qualifications

  • Appointment as Professor of Psychology, Darmstadt Germany
  • Master Certificate in Peacekeeping and Security Studies, University Rome III, Italy
  • Dr. rer. soc. – Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Giessen, Germany
  • Diploma (M.Sc.) as Psychologist, Marburg, Germany
  • Clinical Psychologist and Psychological Psychotherapist (Psychodrama and Sociometry), Germany and Italy
  • Training in Organizational Psychology (Tavistock) in Rome, Italy


How I work

I have seen a lot of misery and have myself experienced threat of death. One outcome of this personal experience is that I often use humour in counselling. I find humour is an important aspect of resilience that can help clients to find relief and to cope. I accompany them through their decision- making processes, and I rejoice with them over decisions. When using psychodrama, I like to include interactive methods and therapeutic play in particular – both in practical training and also online when possible and where indicated.



Henriette DeVries, D.Ed.

About Me

For 23 years I worked as a psychologist in private practice interwoven with academic and corporate training in South Africa before joining the WFP counselling team in 2004.   Increasing crime and relationship conflicts in South Africa encouraged me to do an advanced diploma in psycho-social trauma support during 2001. The latter stood me in good stead during the ten years I served with WFP from 2004 to 2014.


While working with WFP as a Regional Staff Counsellor, I supported and counselled staff in emergency, conflict and natural-disaster situations in places such as Mozambique, Malawi, Haiti, the Philippines, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, East Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and Sudan. I also mediated for Country Offices experiencing internal conflict issues.


Love for training encouraged me to design and facilitate training modules and workshops with a positive psychology emphasis, encouraging better relationships, reducing stress and increasing performance in the professional and personal lives of staff.


The cultural diversity I experienced throughout my career has had a valuable impact on my knowledge, skills and in my approach to providing support to people as a counselling psychologist and traumatologist. 


My qualifications

  • D.Ed. Psychology of Education, University of South Africa
  • M.Ed. Career Guidance, University of Pretoria, S.A.
  • B.Ed. Career Guidance and Remedial Teaching, University of Pretoria, S.A.
  • B.A. Psychology and Sociology, University of Pretoria, S.A.
  • Postgraduate Higher Ed Diploma, Teachers qualification, University of Pretoria
  • Advanced Diploma in Traumatic Stress Counselling and Support (SAITSS) South Africa Institute
  • for Traumatic Stress Studies


How I work

It is my belief that effective counselling is dependent on the level of trust which could be established between the counsellor and the client.


It is therefore vital for me to create an atmosphere in which the client could relax and feel comfortable to discuss even sensitive personal issues. In the same process close attention is given to the particular needs and requirements of the client. The very wide range of clients we serve make it very important for me to be sensitive and focus very carefully on the unique frame of reference of each clients and guide each individual according to his/her specific situation. The client is permitted to establish the pace and level of guidance and counselling support.

My workshops and training exercises are highly interactive and unique in the sense that the new theory is linked to an actual problem or concern voiced by the participants. It is primarily deductive exercises where the participants solve relevant problems, which we then link to basic theoretical principles. This method encourages the participants to learn as they go with little or no need for post training studies. 



Mathero Michelle Nkhalamba, Ph.D.

About me

I started my career in psychology in 2005 as a lecturer at the University of Malawi, Chancellor College. To date I teach, train and supervise undergraduate students. Working in academia has given me a solid theoretical foundation in psychotherapy, which informs my counselling. In practice, I utilize recent research and integrate evidence-based counselling techniques. Proficient at both individual and group counselling, I have experience with a range of psychological issues, including substance abuse, anger management, occupational stress, stress management, trauma healing, depression, anxiety, and emotional distress from life events.

I am an affiliate of Workplace Options Employer Assistance Programme (EAP) where I provide short-term, solution-focused counselling to clients experiencing personal challenges. There I also support clients who develop trauma after witnessing an incident such as the death of a colleague using Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). As an affiliate of Workplace Options, I participate in monthly professional development seminars on various topics necessary for working with clients with diverse needs, such as transgender clients, supporting families with LGBT children, implementing positive psychology concepts, solution-focused counselling, and motivational interviewing, to mention a few.


My qualifications

  • Ph.D. in Psychology, Rhodes University, South Africa
  • Mastery Certificate in Global Mental Health Trauma and Recovery, Harvard Medical School, USA
  • M.Sc. Foundations of Clinical Psychology, Bangor University, Wales, United Kingdom
  • B.A. Philosophy and Psychology, University of Malawi


How I work

My primary counselling orientation is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This entails helping clients identify beliefs or thinking patterns that sustain their distress, while instilling healthy coping styles. My counselling approach has been shaped by the Malawian social-cultural context, a poor and resource-limited setting, with few institutional structures or human resources to support mental health. As such, counselling clients involves tapping into their inner resources, creating self-awareness, and building their resilience to face challenges.  I also work with clients to help them identify elements that foster or hinder their psychological growth, then tailor counselling around their resources.


I appreciate the role of social-cultural context in framing clients’ challenges, having had opportunity to experience different cultures through travel to Ethiopia, Zambia, India, Ireland, Italy, and Kenya, and having lived in South Africa and the United Kingdom for work and education.


Lindsey Anderson, MSc, OB

About Me

I have over 15 years of experience working as a communications and staff development manager for private and United Nations organisations in Africa and Europe, as well as four years in private practice as a therapist in Switzerland. During my career with the UN,

I worked in parallel as a peer support counsellor providing front line emotional support to staff in the field including Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, Kosovo and in HQ Rome for a variety of stress, anxiety and relationship based difficulties. With a combined therapeutic and communications/HR background, as well as having lived and worked in the field, I have a mix of experience, understanding and expertise to help people deal with diverse challenges they are facing so they can move forward personally and professionally.


My qualifications

  • MSc Organisational Behaviour: London University, England
  • Post Grad Diploma in Counselling: Institute of Counselling, Glasgow, Scotland
  • BA (Hons) Media and Communication: Leeds University, England


How I work

Most of us need somebody to talk to who truly listens and accepts us for who we are, especially when we are going through a difficult time. Using talking therapy, I have been trained to explore feelings in depth and using a variety of techniques, I listen, understand and support clients with the difficult thoughts or feelings they may have. When ready, I work with each person's unique situation to find the possibilities for change so they can discover their own path forward towards happiness again.


With all my clients I aim to bring compassion, warmth and sensitivity to my work, offering a safe and confidential place for people to talk honestly and openly without having to worry about what others may say or think.



Mohamed Tal, Ph.D.

About Me

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and a psychoanalyst based in Beirut, Lebanon. I obtained my MA in Clinical Psychology from Université St. Joseph in Beirut.


My journey as psychologist began more than 12 years ago in both clinical and organizational settings. My work with frontline and post-event workers in the context of Middle East crises has provided extensive experience in working with trauma, anxiety and distress among clients affected by high-magnitude, life-changing events.


As a multilingual psychologist and psychoanalyst, I’ve had the opportunity to work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds using Arabic, French and English.


My qualifications

  • License of Practice of Clinical Psychology, The Lebanese Ministry of Health
  • M.A. Clinical Psychology, Université St. Joseph
  • B.Sc. Clinical Psychology, Université St. Joseph
  • Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis


How I work

My client’s specific interests and challenges determine the direction of the sessions and follow up provided. I accord great importance to the political function of the difficulties endured by clients, and how that serves as means of objection to alienation and discourse. This leads to allowing such objections to develop into an interpretation and an understanding of the discourse that causes them. My practice provides a space where clients can question their thoughts and emotions, rethink them, and develop a fuller comprehension of their foundations and consequences so as to manage them differently.



Ronit Atlan, LICSW

About Me

For over twenty years, I was a Psychological Counsellor in the Stress Counselling Unit within the Health Services Department of the World Bank Group. I provided individual assessments, and brief counselling sessions on personal and work stress concerns to Staff of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund at headquarter and to country offices.


Additionally, I conducted debriefings and support to individuals and groups following exposure to crises such as natural disasters, accidents and terrorist attacks, as well as briefings to staff assigned to Country Offices. I currently provide psychotherapy to individuals and couples from diverse cultural backgrounds who experience stress in their personal and professional lives.


My qualifications

  • M.S.W. (Masters in Social Work) Howard University, Washington D.C.
  • Certification in Family Therapy, Group Psychotherapy, Substance Abuse.


How I work

I view my meetings with Individuals as conversations whereby, together, we look at situations, and responses that contribute to stress, vulnerability and worry as well as resiliency. Focus is on gaining a better understanding of one's reactions with view to promoting increased strength and a positive sense of self. As my own background is cross-cultural, and having had extensive experience working with individuals from diverse countries, I have a particular interest and very much enjoy working with people from all over the world.



Sorah Broder, MSc.

About Me

For over 35 years I have had the great fortune to work with people from a wide range of backgrounds, in a multitude of settings. My path took me from women's clinics in the US and Nicaragua, to the World Food Programme in Latin America, to outpatient clinics and an urban high school in Philadelphia, where in addition to counselling, I introduced teachers and administrators to a trauma informed perspective for understanding our student population, and provided training in LGBTQIA+ sensitivity, immigrant rights, and suicide prevention.  And now, I am back working in an international counselling setting once again. My experience in each new position served to strengthen my skills and deepen my understanding of human behaviour, especially in regards to the role culture and environment play in an individual's  and community's development, relationships and daily lives. 



My qualifications

  • MSc. Counselling, Long Island University, 1985
  • BA Communication Arts & Sciences, Queens College, NY
  • Level II Certification Secondary School Counsellor, Pennsylvania


How I work

Working with people from such a broad array of backgrounds and ages reinforced my long held belief that if you listen well enough, and respect the knowledge and experiences of the person or persons in front of you, they will come away feeling empowered, with increased clarity about themselves and the issues at hand.  My role is to assist in that process. Among other things, this involves transmitting unconditional acceptance of my client, reflecting their strengths and unique abilities, supporting them to be true to themselves, and encouraging self-respect and self love.



Celeste Rivera, Ph.D., BCC.

About Me

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and a board certified executive coach based in New York City. I obtained my doctorate in psychology from the University of Puerto Rico and completed my clinical training at the NYU-Bellevue Hospital Clinical Psychology Program, where I specialized in Cross-Cultural Psychology.


My journey as licensed psychologist began more that 15 ago when I was recruited to be part of the team in charge of developing the mental health division of the World Trade Center Healthcare Program. My work with first responders, post-event laborers and residents of WTC area provided me with extensive experience in working with trauma and the complex life challenges that result after a traumatic event of this scale.

As multilingual psychologist working at NYU Medical Center and Bellevue Hospital, I had the opportunity to work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds who were dealing with a wide range of issues.


I spent the first half of my career working in hospital settings and later moved on to establish my independent practice. Currently I work as a psychologist and executive coach with clients from the international, expat and New York community.


My qualifications

  • Board Certified Executive Coach (B.C.C.): College of Executive Coaching
  • Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.): University of Puerto Rico
  • Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology (M.A.): University of Puerto Rico
  • Bachelor degree – Major in Psychology; Minor in French (B.A.): University of
  • Puerto Rico/Université de Paris/ Tufts University
  • Training in Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy
  • Training in Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
  • Training in Mindfulness based approaches to psychotherapy and Stress-management


How I work

My client’s particular goals and needs guide and determine the approach that we will take to achieve the agreed desired outcomes. In my practice, I work from a holistic perspective since I believe that to understand and effectively address the challenges that lead us to seek counseling or coaching it is essential to take into account the physical, psychological, emotional, and social dimensions of the difficulties we are experiencing. My work draws to a great extent from a strengths-based, focused and goal-oriented perspective. In my work as an executive coach, I specialize in leadership development, career transitions, effective communication, conflict management and organizational development



Vicki Owens, Ph.D.

About Me

Originally trained as a counsellor in the U.S. I relocated to Uganda in 1985 to support an educational organisation for two years. At that time Uganda was in turmoil and transition, with rebel warfare, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and other major societal shifts underway.


During two decades lecturing at Makerere University in Kampala, I designed and implemented the nation's first applied master's program in counselling.

I've also worked, in private practice, group practise, faith communities, and the UN. 


I've visited more than 70 UN agency offices in Africa and Asia, supporting staff with counselling, training, coaching and mediation. I work within an individual's cultural context and personal values to help that person achieve his or her goals. Equipping and empowering the person for present and future success and fulfilment is always paramount. Helping a colleague to be a more engaged and effective team member is also crucial within the corporate context.

Promoting health and growth for both individuals and organisations is a priority in my work, with proactive services and training a means to that end.  


My qualifications

  • Ph.D. Cross-Cultural Educational Psychology, Washington State University
  • Ed.M. Guidance and Counseling, Washington State University
  • B.A. Education, Washington State University
  • Founding Secretary, Uganda Counselling Association
  • EMDR part 1 and 2 training, Nairobi, Kenya
  • UN Hostage Incident Management training, New York


Rahel Goenner, MA

About Me

I am a psychoanalytic psychotherapist with a background in the development sector. After completing my MA in intercultural psychoanalytic psychotherapy with the refugee therapy centre in London and working with refugee and migrant clients in the UK I moved on to work as trainer, supervisor and staff counsellor supporting staff in organizations across Europe, the Middle East and East Africa.


I remain working in private practice offering supervision and psychotherapy to humanitarian aid workers and their families via video calls and occasional face to face meetings while also advising organisations in the field of MHPSS.


My qualifications

  • MA Intercultural Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy , University of East London  
  • Advanced Supervision Skills (British Psychological Society approved), SDS Seminars Ltd.
  • Narrative Exposition Therapy (NET), University Bielefeld


How I work

As a psychodynamic psychotherapist with intercultural expertise I work relationally and meet the client where they are.  I encourage both of us to have an open mind and explore together what might be distressing and challenging at this time. Assessing your current situation, we will usually move on to piece together the relationships and circumstances that have formed you, and those that are impacting your life right now, while offering an acceptive, non-judgemental and empathetic space.


Kevin Cullen, MA

About me

As a specialist in psychosocial support and organizational psychology, I worked for 16 years as a war crimes psychologist at the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. During this period, I also participated in the international immediate response team with the Critical Incident Stress Management Unit (CISMU) of DSS and other UN organizations. In that role I supported staff who were involved in humanitarian and natural disasters. Prior experience included substance abuse rehabilitation within a therapeutic community, a crisis management team for the city of The Hague and providing psychological support within the educational system. Most recently, I have been delivering the psychological component of the SAFE trainings of the World Bank.


My combined therapeutic and organizational educational background has been beneficial in assisting those seeking personal support while continuing to meet the organizational demands of their work. The complex challenges faced on a personal level are examined in a respectful and professional manner within an organizational context.


My qualifications

  • M.A. Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Leiden University, The Netherlands
  • B.A. Psychology, Liverpool University, England


How I work

My aim is to provide a safe environment for someone to discover and examine their own thoughts and behaviours within the context of personal and organizational challenges. Providing space and opportunity for an individual to question their choices and options in a respectful, non-judgmental environment is the cornerstone of my approach. Recognising personal patterns can allow an individual to discover valuable insights that contribute to their decision making, affecting both present and future options and choices.


I am a passionate and enthusiastic counsellor who can develop quick rapport with a person while focussing on their personal development. Identifying personal needs and attending to the strengths of an individual are fundamental emphases. The development of a trusting relationship is crucial in exploring the complex processes involved in assisting an individual to achieve his or her ambitions. This can then facilitate a healthy coping response to personal and organizational pressures.


Anna Gatteschi


As a field manager for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) I have worked in several conflict and post-conflict contexts between 2005 and 2019, including in the Central African Republic, Syria, Ukraine, Guinea Bissau, Chad, Georgia, Guinea Conakry.  Along the same lines I have also worked for UN Peacekeeping, as Operations & Security Manager for the International Crisis Group (ICG) and as an NGO consultant & project manager. All these experiences, as well as a multicultural upbringing, have given me a wide perspective and taught me invaluable lessons.

Wishing to improve myself and offer a contribution in a different but interrelated way, I have since trained and started practicing as a therapist, with a focus on Stress Management and Resilience Building - around which I also design workshops, for both humanitarian workers specifically and other employees, 


How I work

My skills training approach is based on an integration of clinical hypnosis, cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness. I collaboratively find out with my client what works best for them, on the basis of their specific history, values and goals, using evidence-based techniques and with the aim to enable them to become their own therapist. One can count on me to be a warm, engaged and understanding listener.


My qualifications

  • Certificate in Integrative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (in progress)
  • Diploma Stress Management and Resilience Building UKCHH
  • Diploma Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy, UKCHH
  • Doctoral candidate International Relations, University of Tampere, Finland
  • M.A Political Science, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University, Italy
  • Hazardous Environment Awareness Training (HEAT), Danish Demining Group (DDG)
  • People Leadership & Management course, ICRC



Fulvio Faraone


Ho iniziato a lavorare a 24 anni nel mondo della salute, allorché mi diplomai come fisioterapista. In seguito fui attratto da quelle che venivano allora definite terapie alternative, che tramite un accesso corporeo donavano salute mentale. Così completai nel 1995 la formazione come certified rolfer. La voglia di approfondire la conoscenza della psiche mi ha portato a laurearmi come psicologo clinico discutendo una tesi sperimentale sulla relazione tra postura ed umore. La sopraggiunta consapevolezza dell'importanza dei fattori inconsci nella salute (dovuta all'esperienza di una lunga analisi individuale), mi ha portato a specializzarmi come psicoterapeuta ad orientamento junghiano, attività che svolgo da parecchi anni.


Accanto agli studi non meno formative sono state svariate esperienze lavorative che hanno avuto il merito di ampliare l'orizzonte di vita vissuta al di là della cultura accademica.


How I work

Mi riconosco nell'approccio analitico di Carl Gustav Jung, la cui formazione ho seguito, nella mia analisi individuale, nella scuola di formazione lista di Milano ed in seminari individuali a Zurigo. L'ascolto delle tematiche che i miei pazienti portano nelle sedute costituisce pertanto un pathos necessario a costruire un passaggio, un ponte verso un nuovo orizzonte. Il modo in cui questo avverrà dipende però dai sogni che faranno da guida all'intero processo di individuazione del paziente. A volte, come supporto alle sedute, mi piace suggerire la visione di film o opere d'arte, che mostrano come la creatività umana abbia già cercato di elaborare il tema che è stato portato nella recente seduta, ma anche testi da leggere che aiutino la formazione di una coscienza più ampia che possa osservare il problema da un punto di vista più profondo, o individuale.


My qualifications

  • Laurea in fisioterapia 1989 ASL RM10
  • Diploma di certified rolfer 1995 Rolf Institute Boulder Co USA
  • Laurea in psicologia 2003 università La Sapienza Roma
  • Diploma di specializzazione in psicoterapia analitica 2013 scuola lista Milano